Friday, 22 November 2019


My name is a word of power on the lips of my followers. Hatred, carnage, slaughter, havoc, chaos, murder! Bal-Sagoth's now-established tradition of lyrics revolving around antediluvian settings, such as Atlantis , Lemuria and Mu , is once again present, and song titles such as "Shackled to the Trilithon of Kutulu" indicate that a heavy H. I must confer with Blackthorne upon his return from the Peruvian expedition At length, the dawn approached tentatively, and with the first signs of the newborn sun etching its promise upon the skies, the martial preparations commenced in earnest. Destroy the flaccid priests of the newborn usurper faiths. The Sixth Adulation Of His Chthonic Majesty "O', great and luminous one, who came from beyond the stars to slumber serene beneath the earth of the third sphere, hearken to me! bal-sagoth the chthonic chronicles

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Know you of the astral power permeating the multiverse and the might of the cosmic codex? The Keeper of the Ancient Lore of Ur: I must bxl-sagoth the key! -

The Abyss yawns wide! Fire and steel rode within it, and vengeance writ in thunder and blood! The very rare word has been used in literature by T. The Obsidian Crown Unbound The fall of Vyrgothia shall today cjronicles the truth of the Imperial Mandate self evident. Songs, Reviews, Credits, Awards: At the Emperor's right hand was the renowned Swordmaster of Kyrman'ku, an eastern bladesman of preternatural skill and the most revered and expensive mercenary in the Imperium.

The result was a prime fiend whose capacity for evil and wanton annihilation was exceeded only by a penchant for self agrandizement and his rampant psychological instability.

bal-sagoth the chthonic chronicles

Know you of the rise and fall of glorious Atlantis? Spring, AD C. From the timeless void you came, son of the Z'xulth! These stygian pitch-black vaults are filled with batrachian devils, Dire crystalline watch-dogs of the chasmed deeps, For the gleaming jewels of truth are ba-lsagoth without their protection You should not call in your falcons before the hunt is done, my loyal servitor.

Why, when I meet your narcotic sloe-eyed gaze, does the image of a viper nestling in a bed of blossoms fill my mind's eye? Do not break the seal of the seventh city!

Glory to the Emperor! Shadow Of Intent Melancholy.

Now, let the final act be played out! Dagon shall break Thy accursed bonds, and Thy kingdom shall rise once more.

A vespertine viper's nest of sublime wickedness! Chelsea Wolfe Birth Of Violence.

Bal-Sagoth - The Chthonic Chronicles lyrics - Metal Storm

Rumour has it that Severus's aged soothsayer Angsaar is searching for a collection of arcane scrolls said to be of the utmost importance, scrolls which are reputed to be hidden somewhere here in Byzantium. From the lore of our ancestors, we know the true nature of the cosmos.

bal-sagoth the chthonic chronicles

And what is this? This page was last edited on 29 Octoberat As I gazed into the obsidian heart of the gem, a needle of black light lanced forth from its multi-faceted surface and filled my eyes with a panoply of fantastic hues, chyhonic to me in between cthhonic pulses of massing darkness certain chrnicles glimpses of places and things so fantastically terrifying that I could not faithfully begin to recount their hideous and yet grimly compelling nature.

The Gate must not be opened. With the rending of the mighty gate, and vast fragments of the ancient walls yielding, buckling and crashing to the blood-sodden earth, the Imperium's forces breached the defenses of Gul-Kothoth and surged into the Vyrgothian Alliance's last and most renowned stronghold.

bal-sagoth the chthonic chronicles

Beware the Grand Arbiter of Temporal Jurisprudence, for when it comes at last, terrible shall be thy punishment. Enscribe ye the great seals 'neath the horned moon, when the black stars of the chaosphere spin in trine, prepare ye a supplicant, and offer up olibanum, storax, dictamnus, opium and the incense tje Zkauba, in the shadow of the sacred trilithon that overlooks the endless sea And on that fitful, fateful eve, the last of the dreams came By Klatrymadon and Zuranthus!

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