Thursday, 28 November 2019


Wormrot is one of the best Grindcore acts out there today in my opinion. Fans of the originating grind bands like Terrorizer and Napalm Death, myself included, will find a different flavour here altogether as although the production isn't bad per se for a live recording there are few moments to pick out any musical needles from the haystack of grind as every song blasts past at the speed of an F-Zero X racer who has sneezed on the hyper-speed button. Vocals are bat shit crazy and blend in perfectly with the music. Seeing as I have everything the band has put out I even waited a few days before buying this. Okay, so Nasum comes out with Doombringer. nasum doombringer

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I would rather just see the band live and take it dolmbringer a real experience. If you were already a fan of Nasum before this listen the sheer intensity of the action should make you soil your cotton panties as "Doombringer" serves as a fitting tribute to a man held highly in grind circles, but for the unconverted it may be hard to find a way in.

doomrbinger Okay, so Nasum comes out with Doombringer. Just Another Hog If you ever feel like going on a killing spree then this record should do for you - it reminds you to take no prisoners and do whatever the hell you feel like as to some it will be a very pleasant experience.

Doombringer - Wikipedia

Vocals are bat shit crazy and blend in perfectly with the music. The Great Northern Revisited by Sayyadina. Write your own review. Infact the only 'nice' bits are when Talarczyk announces the upcoming song names and introduces the band, dombringer pleasant enough as they are have yet to become a reason to buy a record for myself or anyone I know. Crema de la Metal go to album.

nasum doombringer

This band should be respected for thier killer discography and I for one hope they dig up some more shit for a DVD or other live songs. Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of HelveteShiftHuman 2.

nasum doombringer

I put it in and was fucking blown away like the guy in those Maxell ads sitting in the chair. These guys say in 25 min what some bsnds take 2 cd's or Lp's to do. Press Contact - bob relapse.

nasum doombringer

Just jumping from one to another with almost no interruption. If you like Nasum, you may also like: Now, I should never want to pay any disservice to a man and a band like Talarczyk doombrniger Nasum whom have done so much to benefit the world of grind, making this review a little more difficult than others.

Album Reviews

Purchasable with gift card. The crowd is great, there isn't any bullshit stage banter or in between tune ups. I'm not going to make suggestions for all the grind bands out there but perhaps sometimes less is more Guitar tone is razor sharp and it is obvious these guys know each other well because the play like a well oiled machine.


There is dopmbringer talent at work and some moments of chugging groove in the likes of "Just Another Hog" and "A Welcome Breeze of Stinking Air" but only on dombringer occasions such as "Doombringer" and "Scoop", the albums highlight, does the pace slow down enough to catch breath and at these points it is actually rather a good listen. Bandcamp Album of the Day May 17, go to album. Yes this is grind, made by grindheads, for grindheads and for nazum reason I can't see it appealing to anyone but those already converted.

Bandcamp Album of the Day Mar 12, go to album. Seeing as I have everything the band has put out I even waited a few days before buying this. NASUM was the undisputed leader of grindcore's second wave and nothing proves this doombrjnger than 'Doombringer'; a blistering 25 minute live set of untapped rage recorded in Osaka, Japan on the bands final Japanese tour. Streaming and Download help. Thoroughly punishing from start to finish, Cursed blazes a swath of destruction Nasum.

Doombringer | Nasum

Since that fateful day when the name of Nasum was continued no more by the other band members, the remaining members have released a spectacular song! What we have is 16 face-destroying songs of screaming, blasting and the odd discernable riff in 23 minutes of aural extremity, which leaves me at this point to suggest to anyone who favours melody, cleanliness and subtlety on their musical platter to leave the hall immediately.

Live after death is an exception. If you like Nasum, you may also like:. Crema de la Metal I love when bands put themselves out there with live albums.

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